The owners and creators of this site are not responsible for the use and
content of the links and information provided on this site, as well as
for possible disregard of users of the commercial status of the software
to which the links presented on this site.
This project is a non-profit, so the authors disclaim any liability. All information and links are provided solely for educational purposes and are intended for informational purposes only.
Under no circumstances liable for the consequences that
directly or indirectly led to the use of the software from the links
provided on this site cannot be attributed to the authors or owners of
hosting, and be a basis for prosecution in accordance with current
If you agree with these terms, you can continue to view the materials.
Otherwise, you are encouraged to immediately leave the site.
Ignorance of these rules is not an argument against us claims
Second Rules
Carefully read the rules, their ignorance is no excuse!
The same users who themselves and quite well for a long time registered on the site have a higher priority than those who registered for about a month
Paragraphs and subparagraphs
1) Insult and Mat
1. For insulting or discussion of the administration of BAN
2. For insulting users
as well as threats are getting a warning as well as flagrant bad expression
3. For insulting 3 persons in a warning or BAN
4. We have denied racism, religious and political opinions
2) Pornography and Erotica
1. Strictly prohibited child pornography
2. Prohibited pornography
3) To distribute malicious programs and modules
1. Deliberate acts of this nature will be permanently banning
2. Unintentional warning
Remember, many cracks, keygens and patches can be identified by
antivirus programs as the Trojans (Administration is not with)
4) Comments
4) Comments
1. Comments with advertising in explicit form, link, picture, or something like that will be deleted
2. Images in comments no need not to add
3. Useless comments will be deleted
4. To add a reference, use or similar
5) Signature and Avatar
1. No past signatures and avatars, such will be adjusted by administrators or moderators
2. The label must be no larger than 200 pixels vertically (as adjusted)
6) Use of capital letters
6) Use of capital letters
7) About questions
1. For first read this
2. And here (Question that you disallowed to ask)
8) Reputation and Rating
1.The reputation will raise or low for certain good or bad actions.
Rules can be changed and enlarged without notifying users